
Another Look Final Chapter The More Things Chnge

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We just got back from Tokyo.  It interesting trip.  The problem with Brushoggun was dealt with...with an unusual amount of difficulty.  Robin and Starfire are a couple now, finally.  Cyborg had fun, but then again, with a free all-you-can-eat, of course he did.  And...okay, I'll admit it.  I had fun, too.  It wasn't really my thing but, in the end it was enjoyable.  Until I saw what Beast Boy had been up to.
Seeing all those girls fawning all over him like that, I expected to be angry.  I thought I would want to blast him, or toss him into another dimension, or through a window, like I've often threatened and done.  Instead, I got...possessive.  On live, international broadcast, I pushed the girls off of him, threw my arms around him and, glaring at everyone, snarled out quite audibly, "Mine!"
I have never been so embarrassed in my life.  Everyone was staring.  And to top it all off, Beast Boy was smiling up at me.  I was furious.  Needless to say, things got a little rocky between us before we left.  Then came the collar.
He said it was his apology for what happened.  It was made of the same material as his suit, so it would change with him.  He got Cyborg to make the collar, but he said he made the tag.  He gave it to me, to put on him.
Glancing over at him now, ignoring the discussion of how the city's changed, I read the inscription once more.
Beast Boy
Property of Raven of the Teen Titans
Titan Tower, Jump City
Valued.  If lost, return to owner.

I couldn't believe how sweet the gesture was.  I'm glad we were on the way home, about to board the plane, or I might have dragged him off to a hotel and...
I'd better stop that train of thought there.  No telling what I might do if I let it continue.  I guess it's time to focus on what's happening...
An explosion.  Well, that's a convenient distraction from the path of my thoughts.
Well, looks like it's back to the daily grind.  Wierd creature we're fighting this time, it looks like quicksilver.  Shouldn't be too difficult...if it would just stay down!  It keeps changing what it's made of, and...
Who did I just see?
What?  I got distracted.  A liquid metal tendril is coming towards me.  I don't have time to put up a shield or dodge.
I'm going to get hit.  The liquid metal tentacle, with its sharp point, fills my vision.  I...
Green fur fills my vision.  It's Beast, it's the Beast!  He's caught the metal tentacle in his paw.  The collar is still there.  The symbolism distracts me momentarily.  Even the Beast feels he belongs to me?
The Beast snarls, and pulls, dragging the creature into the air.  He swings it around, and slams it down onto some broken glass.  When it impacts with the glass, it turns to glass.  The impact causes it to shatter.
The Beast tugs the broken piece of tendril out of his paw and crushes it.  He then changes back into Beast Boy.  "Raven, are you okay?"
I nod.  I can't seem to focus enough to do anything else.
Back at the tower...
I sit in my room, lost in thought.  I could have swonr I'd get a lecture about focus in a battle from Robin, but he seemed too relieved that a manifestation of the Beast hadn't caused a huge problem.  The only real discussion - aside from a request to Cyborg to investigate what's causing the Beast to keep coming back - the incident passed without comment.
Beast Boy's knocking on my door.  I guess he's worried about me.  I answer.
"Yes, Beast Boy?"
"Are you okay Raven?"
"Yeah...sorry about earlier, I got distracted."
I smile at him.  I gave him the erfect opportunity to try to joke, and I find I'm looking forward to his attempt.  I quickly find myself pleasently dissapointed.
"What happend?" he asked, obviously concerned.
I sigh.  I'm not going to hide it from him.  Preparing myself for what might come - sadness, dischord, ...heartbreak... - I tell him what happened.
"While we were fighting...I thought I saw Terra."  I say it fast, knowing I won't be able to get it out otherwise.  Then I fall silent, waiting for his response.
He's quiet for a while.  When he speaks again, his voice is quiet.  "Are you certain?"
"Well, it was either her or someone who could be her twin."
"We never did look to see if she had family..."
We're both quiet for a while.  I finally speak up.  "So what now?"
"I was about to go visit her statue...tell her about us."
I look at him, a little stunned.  "You haven't told her before?"
"I haven't been to see her since we got together.  There's never been a good opportunity."
"Oh."  I feel a little stupid for thinking what I was.  " we gonna go?"
"Yeah.  Come on."  We head out of the Tower and down to the cave.
As we approach, Beast Boy starts talking to Terra.  "Hey, Terra.  Sorry I haven't been down for a while, been a little busy.  We've got so much to tell you-"
He stops.  I stop.  The statue's not there.  Just the pedestal.
Back outside the cave, we sit, lost in thought.
"So what now?" I ask him, bracing myself for the answer.
"When you saw her...did she look healthy?"
"Yeah...she seemed to be okay."  He's taking this pretty well.  I thought he might be a bit more...energetic, maybe?
"Did she look happy?"
"I don't know...maybe? could go find her and ask her."  It hurts to suggest that, but I need to know.
"No?"  I'm surprised.  I thought he'd want to check on her.
"If it is her, she either doesn't want to come back, or doesn't remember us.  Either way, she's made a clean break from her past.  She's got a second chance at her life, and that's what I wanted her to have."
I look at him, a little surprised.  With all the fuss he used to make about setting her free...I guess I had doubts.
"Besides..."  He puts his arm around my shoulders.  "She's got her life..."  He looks me right in the eyes.  "And I've got mine."
I can't help it.  Leaning forward, I meet his lips with mine.And in his loving embrace, I feel the last of my worries from the past melt away.

The End
I misuploaded a file somehow. Here's the real final chapter.

The rest of the story: [link]
© 2012 - 2024 Tatsurou-san
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madmod1314's avatar
All the feels dude